書籍「Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions」

共著者:Scott C. Whitaker、Makoto Ideno(出野誠)、その他


Navigate cross border M&A for a flawless integration execution

Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions is a practical toolbox for corporate strategy and development professionals dealing with the many challenges involved in cross border M&A. With a detailed discussion of key market specifics and broadly-applicable critical insight, this book demystifies the cross border M&A process and provides a host of practical tools that ease strategic implementation. A geographical overview explains the trends in major M&A markets including Australia, Brazil, China, Russia, the U.K., and the U.S., and industry-specific guidance covers Financial Services, Aerospace and Defense, Health Care, Tech, Manufacturing, and more. Leading experts relate lessons learned while managing actual PMI (post merger integration) processes, and the discussion of cultural impacts and specific situational needs provides deep insight into the type of leadership a flawless integration requires.

Corporate restructuring and internationalization efforts are increasingly relying on cross border mergers and acquisitions. Strategies, motives, and consequences are a complex navigational minefield, but this insightful guide provides solid, actionable guidance for leading a successful integration.

Cross border M&A is complex, with myriad challenges and obstacles inherent to the situation. Successful integration and a smooth transition are critical, and there's little wiggle room—it's a situation where you have only one chance to get it right. Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions is an essential guide to the process, with key tools for execution.


マデリン・バーレイ・アレン (著), 出野 誠 (翻訳), 菅 由美子 (翻訳)


ビジネスマンの聞く技術 コミュニケーションの障害を取り除き、より良い人間関係を構築する。リスニングを強力なビジネスツールに変える、実証済のトレーニング・プログラム。ビジネスの現場で使える実践的リスニングスキルを伝授し、仕事でもプライベートでも役立つ強力なツールを提供する。

著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より) バーレイ・アレン,マデリン Dynamics of Human Behavior社の創業社長。リスニングセミナーを中心に全世界で2000回を超えるトレーニングを実施。主要顧客に、AT&T、Dupon、IBM、LeviStraussがある。Glamour and Working Womanをはじめとした各種雑誌や新聞でその活動が紹介され、テレビやラジオのコメンテーターとして出演多数

出野誠 上智大学、南カリフォルニア大学経営大学院(MBA)卒。東芝、米系コンサルティング会社等を経て、経営コンサルティング会社G3 CONSULTING,INC.代表取締役社長。大手企業を中心に、組織変革支援、営業・マーケティング戦略の策定と実行支援、トレーニングなどを行う。企業固有の経営環境や組織属性を考慮したコンサルティングに取り組む
菅由美子 上智大学外国語学部フランス語学科卒。信託銀行国際部を経て翻訳家。各種ビジネス翻訳、フランス大使館文化部の翻訳等、英語・フランス語の翻訳を行う(本データはこの書籍が刊行された当時に掲載されていたものです)

書籍「個人力」 How to grow a backbone

マデリン・バーレイ・アレン (著), 出野 誠 (翻訳), 菅 由美子 (翻訳)



To succeed in business today, an individual must be smart, competitive, resilient, tenacious, and fearless. In short, he or she needs a good, old-fashioned backbone. In How to Grow a Backbone, Susan Marshall, a top business consultant and former executive, outlines skills that readers can develop and perfect to become stronger, more confident, and more influential on the job. Using straight talk laced with wry humor, the author draws upon actual business situations from a variety of companies and industries to show how a strong backbone can change not only the outcome of the situation, but also how one is perceived.

From an early start as an advertising assistant for a national leather goods company, Susan progressed through a series of marketing and general management roles, culminating in leading a successful turnaround at a privately held marketing firm. Her corporate and consulting experience includes work with a who's who of the world including Harley-Davidson, Best Buy, GE Healthcare, the New York City Leadership Academy, Boys & Girls Clubs of America and many others. She has been welcomed as a guest lecturer at higher education institutions: several University of Wisconsin campuses, Marquette University, Alverno College, the University of Michigan Ross School of Business, and the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business. Susan also wrote the curriculum for and taught the Leadership course for the MBA program at Mount Mary University in Milwaukee.